ESR06 - Hydrodynamics of fish habitats in natural streams: implication for fish behaviour
Host Institution: IGB - Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (PhD at Freie Universität Berlin)
This study aims to improve the knowledge about the habitat choice and movements of non-salmonid fish in semi-natural Mediterranean small streams by linking empirical data of fish behaviour and movement with detailed information on the physical characteristic of the habitats. To achieve this goal, environmental variables such as temperature, flow velocity, discharge, substrate, cover, and depth of different hydromorphological units will be studied temporally, considering different seasons and day-night cycle. . This information will be related to fish movement data obtained by Pit tagging and tracking target species
Secondment period (to be confirmed): Expected duration: 5 months; Hosting institutions: UNIABDN (University of Aberdeen - Aberdeen, UK), TALTECH (University of Tallin - Tallin, Estonia), POLITO (Politecnico di Torino - Torino, Italy), IGM (Ingenieurbüro Dr Gerald Müller - Germany)