RIBES is a European Training Network in ecohydraulics working to find solutions for fish protection and river connectivity restoration in anthropogenically altered rivers.
RIBES Final Conference "Fish passage and Conservation" was organized on 28-29 September 2023 at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). During the conference a series of topical keynotes, early-stage researcher presentations and a similarly themed theater show was given. A selection of presentations and glimpses from the theatre are now being made available online.
Keynote Lectures
Freshwater fish conservation - threats and priorities, Jörg Freyhof, Natural History Museum, Berlin, Germany
Fish passage solutions and evaluation, Olle Calles, Karlstad University, Sweden
Fish migration, behavior and passage, Paul Kemp, Southampton University, UK
Future avenues for improving fishway design, Christos Katopodis, Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd, Canada
ESR Presentations
PIT-tagged Italian riffle dace (Telestes muticellus) movement and behaviour in a small mountain stream, Alfredo Schiavon, IGB Berlin, Germany
Investigating fish hydrodynamic sensing: an integrated approach utilizing numerical and experimental methods, Ali Hassan Khan, Tallin University of Technology, Estonia
Together we are bolder: collective behavior and fish passage, Gloria Mozzi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
From markers to meaning: understanding fish physiological responses to assess human impacts on rivers, Sophia Schumann, University of Padua, Italy
Freshwater fish and underwater acoustics: a method of measuring resonance properties of swim bladders, William Wu, Southampton University, UK
Does multimodal integration influence fish behavioural responses to acoustic stimuli?, Philip Ericsson, Southampton University, UK
Quantifying light pollution as a barrier to fish migration, James Campbell, IGB Berlin, Germany
Understanding and predicting fish movement in the vicinity of a barrier and fish pass, Rachel Mawer, SJE, Germany
Fish migration in an anthropogenically impacted river system, Jelger Elings, Ghent University, Belgium
Novel guidance devices to support downstream migrating fish, Velizara Stoilova, Norconsult, Sweden
Hydrodynamics of fish at hydraulic structures: coupled ecological-hydrodynamic modelling of fish movement through vertical slot fishways, Marcelo Xavier Ruiz Coello, University of Padua, Italy
Fish in motion: methodological advances and scientific insights in fish swimming performance. Muhammad Usama Ashraf, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Informing novel riverscape restoration with scale appropriate models, Henry Hansen, Karlstad University, Sweden
Theater and ESR interviews:
Fish in troubled waters (short video)
Full schedule:
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