Paper: Aquatic connectivity - challenges and solutions in a changing climate
RIBES ESRs Rachel Mawer and Velizara Stoilova, and others recently published the paper Aquatic connectivity: challenges and solutions in a changing climate.
Paper: The effect of in-flume habituation time on estimated fish swimming performance
RIBES Early Stage Researcher Usama Ashraf, together with supervisors Claudio Comoglio, Costantino Manes and Daniel Nyqvist, all from Politecnico di Torino, recently published the paper: "The effect of in-flume habituation time and fish behaviour on estimated swimming performance".
Fish in troubled waters - online!
As part of the RIBES-project, Faber Teater - in collaboration with RIBES Early Stage Researchers and other associates - put together the theater show based on the project. In the show, called "Fish in troubled waters", stage performances were mixed with on-screen encounters with the Early Stage Researchers. Selected material from the show is now available online.
RIBES Final Conference - presentations online!
RIBES Final Conference "Fish passage and Conservation" was organized on 28-29 September 2023 at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). During the conference a series of topical keynotes, early-stage researcher presentations and a similarly themed theater show was given. A selection of presentations and glimpses from the theatre are now being made available online.
Paper: Light pollution from illuminated bridges as a potential barrier for migrating fish
RIBES Early Stage Researcher James Campbell, together with RIBES supervisor Franz Holker, from IGB Berlin, recently published a paper on how an illuminated bridge can create a light barrier when it embodies unnatural light variations with increased and decreased light levels. The paper was led by Catherine Pérez Vega
Paper: Social buffering of oxidative stress and cortisol in an endemic cyprinid fish
RIBES Early Stage Researcher Sophia Schumann (University of Padova), together with fellow RIBES ESR Gloria Mozzi (Politecnico di Torino), and others recentrly published the paper "Social buffering of oxidative stress and cortisol in an endemic cyprinid fish" in the journal Scientifc Reports. In the paper, they present a flume study on the physiological response group size (one, two or six fish) of Italian riffle dace in running water.
Paper: A habitat connectivity reality check for fish physical habitat model results and decision-making for river restoration
Recently, RIBES Early Stage Researcher Henry Hansen, together with Matthias Schneider and Tobias Hägele, published the paper " A habitat connectivity reality check for fish physical habitat model results and decision-making for river restoration". In a case study, they explore the effect of habitat connectivity on river restoration outcomes using European grayling and common nase as model species. They take in tto account habitat shifts during the life cycle of the fish, distance between habitats, and concludes that a perfect migration corridor does not necessarily provide habitat connectivity.
Paper: Projecting fish community responses to dam removal – Data-limited modeling
Recently, RIBES Early Stage Researcher Henry Hansen (Karlstad University), together with his RIBES supervisor Eva Bergman (Karlstad University) and Ken Anderson (DTU Aqua) published a paper on modelling effects on fish community response to dam removal. Their data-limited model shows that dam removal benefits some species more than others across time. Implementing the model can help river restoration and management assess tradeoffs associated with different habitat restoration approaches prior to committing to a dam removal plan.
Paper: Linking fine-scale behaviour to the hydraulic environment in riverine fish
RIBES Early Stage Researcher Jelger Elings together with RIBES Supervisors Mattias Schneider and Peter Goethals, fellow ESR Rachel Mawer, and others, recently published the paper “Linking fine-scale behaviour to the hydraulic environment shows behavioural responses in riverine fish” in Movement Ecology.
Paper: Individual variation in the habitat selection near a barrier
RIBES Early Stage Researcher Rachel Mawer together with RIBES Supervisors Mattias Schneider and Peter Goethals, fellow ESR Jelger Elings, and others, recently published the paper “IIndividual variation in the habitat selection of upstream migrating fish near a barrier” in Movement Ecology.