James J Anderson
I am a research professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington. For over three decades I have studied animal movement behavior from first principles, linking signal generation from the physical environment to the signal detection, processing and subsequent movement response by the animal. Examples with collaborators include models of the neural basis of startle response in fish (Anderson 1988), pathfinding behavior of salmon approaching dams (Goodwin et al. 2006), Pavlovian conditioning (Anderson et al. 2010), motion guided attention and navigation in birds (Lemmason et al. 2013), signal detection in fish migration (Kemp et al. 2014) and ocean migration behavior of salmon (Burke et al. 2014). I believe that mathematical models based on first principles of physical and cognitive sciences can help researchers understand how fish passage systems work and thus build better ones. I also run a long-term research project on managed river systems (http://www.cbr.washington.edu/ ).
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