ESR14: Gloria Mozzi

We are happy to announce that Gloria Mozzi has joined the RIBES European Training Network as one of our early stage researchers.

Her work will involve developing innovative criteria for enhancing technical solutions for fish passage at hydropower plants. She will be hosted by Politecnico di Torino and supervised by Claudio ComoglioCostantino ManesPaolo Vezza, and Daniel Nyqvist.  

Gloria Mozzi has a joint master degree in Water Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisabon, Portugal, IHE Delf Institute for Water Education, the Netherlands and TU Dresden, Germany, as well as a master degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pisa, Italy. She did her master thesis - Multiscale impact of widespread managed aquifer recharge (MAR) implementation in the state of Gujarat, India - in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute, India.

Read more about her upcoming research here:

Published on: 05/11/2020