ESR13: Jelger Elings

We’re happy to greet Jelger Elings welcome to the RIBES European Training Network. This week he starts his position as one of our early stage researchers (ESR).

Jelger Elings is hosted at Ghent University, Belgium and will work on fish migration in an anthropogenically impacted river system. He will be supervised by Peter Goethals, Marie Anne Eurie Forio, and Stijn Bruneel from Ghent University, and Ine Pauwels at Research Institute for Nature and Forest in Belgium.

Jelger Elings studied at Wageningen University in the Netherland where he followed a double master program in Forest and Nature Conservation and Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management. His aquatic master thesis was on the interactions between juvenile fish and zooplankton communities in the Dutch side-channels, an artificial habitat that might have come to serve as a potentially important fish nursery habitat.

Read more about his upcoming research here:

Published on: 30/09/2020