ESR04: Sophia Schumann

We are happy to welcome Sophia Schumann to the RIBES European Training Network. This week, she joined RIBES as one of our early stage researchers.

She will study stress responses in fish in relation to anthropogenic stressors associated with hydropower passage. Her work will involve biomarker integrated analysis of fish stress. She will be hosted by University of Padua and supervised by Gianfranco Santovito and Andrea Marion.

Sophia Schumann has a master’s degree in Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation with emphasis in freshwater ecology from University of Greifswald, Germany and a bachelor's degree in Biology from Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. Her master thesis was on “Ecological niche formation in microalgae through different light spectra”.

Read more about her upcoming research here:

Published on: 03/11/2020