Fiskevårdsteknik i Sverige AB (FVT) is a SME offering a wide range of consulting and contracting services in the field of fisheries care. The company is built around a small organization with long and solid professional experience as well as a large network of academic and water industry contacts. They provide consulting, analysis and field investigation on biotope care, fish stock, and watercourse control. The core business of the company is on the design and construction of fishing routes, including nature-like fish passes such as bio-channels, circuits, inlets, and denil fish ways. Other activities include population control, habitat enhancement, and legalisation matters. The company has highly experienced staff with specialist expertise in subject areas such as limnology, fishery biology, hydrology, hydraulics, water chemistry, sedimentology, hydraulic construction techniques, experienced supervision and river management. They can also offer staff for field investigation, design assignments, as well as time-consuming inventories, and bio-chemical sampling tasks in the field. Customers mainly consist of fisheries owners, power companies, municipalities and government agencies, law firms, contracting and consulting companies. FVT has carried out working and experimental activities at large and small river sites under very different natural conditions throughout Sweden, and in northern European countries such as Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Russia and Germany.